This SmartList shows you the item quantity sold by site by the year for the last five years in Dynamics GP.
SmartList is one of the easiest reporting tools for Dynamics GP. You can instantly visualize your data in the form of simple reports. You can export this data to Excel and create even more stunning reports.
We've gathered some of the best SmartLists from our partners, and the GP community, for you to download and enjoy.
Supported Systems | |
ERP Software | Microsoft Dynamics GP |
We’ve all been there! We meant to store the system password in a secure place just in case we forgot it, but that didn’t happen. And now we are locked out of all of the Dynamics GP system menus. What ...
Interested in seeing the last time an item was sold? You can use this SmartList to analyse your data in Dynamics GP. With this, you can gain an insight into what items are currently underperformi...
✯ This Item Requires The Bacs File Generator Application ✯ Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is becoming a more common payment method in our everyday personal banking. Remember the last time you tran...
Are you fed up of always being asked how to print posting documents in Dynamics GP? This script will allow you to set one method for all reports. As is, it sets all reports t print to screen but you c...