Dynamics GP BACS File Generator
Generate any EFT format for your bank from Dynamics GP with ease. Download your trial today and see for yourself
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Features & Benefits
Improve your payment process
Manually entering data is boring and leaves room for error. So start generating payment files from the data in your ERP system and ensure there is complete consistency between your bank and Dynamics GP.
All bank formats supported
Whether you bank in Europe, Asia the US or anywhere else in the world, the BACS File Generator can create the format you need. Just pop over to our Service marketplace and order a custom format.
XML pain.001.001.03 support
If you have been struggling to create one of the new XML formats you'll be pleased to know that we support pain 001.001.03 files. Generate these files directly from GP with no manual manipulation or extra code required.
Regenerate files
Have you ever run into an issue where you need to regenerate an EFT file for Dynamics GP, only to realise you can't? Well with the BACS File Generator you can, and it's a complete lifesaver.
Why Are EFT Files So Important?
Think back to the last time you purchased something online. Was it done in a swipe through your mobile app or did you have to physically wire your money? If our personal banking benefits from such an easy interface, imagine the same requirements from the business world passing hundreds of transactions. Imagine how powerful and efficient your system would need to be to support this? Almost every business, whether small or large, is looking for easier methods of payments as it increasingly becomes difficult to handle/control a large number of transactions. With the BACS File Generator you can achieve exactly that and automate your payment process today.
About Us
Our mission is to make business software a little more personal. We want to connect the best consultants directly with businesses in need of their talent. We have three Marketplaces to satisfy your business software needs: Extensions, Services and the AppFinder.
After working as consultants ourselves, we set out on a mission. We want to make it easy, affordable and risk free for businesses to improve their systems. You can see all the details of an extension, like price, compatibility, support period and more before you purchase.
We also protect all of our buyers with a strong money back guarantee. However, in most cases, you shouldn't have to use this as our providers work hard to ensure all customisations are of the highest standards.
Prospr Extensions is a trusted database of software add-ons provided by hand-picked consultants. We value quality and ensure that all of the extensions have been tested before they can be sold on our site.
Orders should always be made directly through the Prospr Extensions website. By ordering through Prospr, you have the backing of a dedicated support team and a money back guarantee for when your expectations are not met.
We review all extensions that are uploaded onto the marketplace to ensure they are in working order. Our aim is to protect you and ensure that only the highest quality extensions are available on Prospr.
We do advise that everyone installs customisations on a test environment first, to ensure compatibility with existing customisations. However, we also provide a money back guarantee should an extension fail to meet your expectations.
Nope, no funny business. We really want to make business software a more enjoyable experience. Our mission is to make sure that every business can access reliable, affordable and quality customisations with just a few clicks... Business Software Just Got Personal.